Dry Skin Hurts

...but you can fix it!

It’s that time of year again. The weather gets colder and dryer. We spend more time indoors with heat. Our skin is less exposed to sunlight, fresh air, and water outside of the shower. Our hands start to crack, we get dried out from head to toe, and even the inside of our noses becomes sticky and bloody instead of healthy. Sounds awful, right? So what can you do to alleviate all of these less than pleasant conditions that come with winter setting in? I’m glad you asked!

1) Be Cognizant Of The Products You’re Using On The Outside – A lot of the moisturizers are full of toxins, manufactured products, and even alcohols which are known to DEHYDRATE you. Sounds counterintuitive because it is! To keep moisture locked in, make sure your products are as natural as possible and there aren’t things hindering your desired outcome hiding inside. I like to use a local avocado butter based moisturizer from Bird Bath Body Treats. If you want something even more natural, grab a jar of organic coconut oil to put on your hands and feet before bed and keep some socks and gloves next to your bed to keep it from getting all over your sheets. 

2) What’s In Your Water? – Many things can be lurking in your water, things you’ve never even considered. Putting a filter on your drinking water may seem obvious, but what about your shower? Remember, your skin is the largest organ you have, so whatever touches your skin can have one of the greatest impacts on your quality of health! Do yourself a favor, and grab a shower filter. These are usually placed onto the shower at the head level so you can use them even in an apartment. Options range in price from a simple Berkey filter to a full on Anespa system that turns your shower into a full mineral spa experience (email directly if you’d like to get set up with one of those).

3) It’s What’s Inside That Counts – What are you eating? Colder weather often calls for warmer food and around the holidays, things that may not be so healthy. If our digestion gets stagnant, hydration goes to our bowels to try to move things out. If we eat too many processed foods, it can attract any hydration to it for your body to process. If you’re drinking water that your body can’t absorb, it could actually be depleting you of nutrients and minerals your body needs. Since Kangen and Tyent filters aren’t yet on everyone’s counters (email me if you want to talk about getting one of these as well), the easiest and bioavailable way for our bodies to absorb water is through food. Some great options are watermelon or cucumber with a little bit of lemon or lime juice and some Himalayan salt. You can also add some chia seeds to you diet or into your water. They’ll absorb the water and let it out throughout the digestive process in your body.

4) Saline. Gel. – Two simple words, but a life changer! Grab a tube of this (again being mindful of the ingredients in the one you choose) and a cotton swab and apply some to the inside of your nose as many times per day and you’d like. This keeps the air flowing freely and your nostrils hydrated. It will also help stop bacteria and particulates from collecting on the sticky insides of your nose that occurs when it gets too dry. 

Now it’s your turn! What are your favorite ways to stay hydrated during the winter months and fight dry skin issues? Let me know in the comments!  


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